Paul DeRienzo\'s Let Them Talk presents Paul Garrin on Project NAME.SPACE, the new generic TLDs they originated starting in 1996, and how the Internet Top-Level Domains are added to the ROOT.
by Paul Garrin -- Interactive watchdog guards yuppie party while chaos rages outside their window. Interactive installation, 1989-90 featured at Berlin Film Fest at Amerikahaus, 1990 as the Berlin Wall came down.
Music and Performance by Ryuichi Sakamoto, Video by Paul Garrin. Originally produced and performed live on the Sony Jumbotron at the Tsukuba Expo, Japan, 1985, and released as a \\
Paul Garrin\\\'s video chronicles of his life on New York City\\\'s Lower East Side in the 1980\\\'s, from fighting off eviction from his home, to videotaping his own beating by rioting NYPD in Tompkins Square -- scooping the mainstream media, exposing the police coverup, and sparking the \\
Interactive installation by Paul Garrin, with David Rokeby -- document of the first showing of BORDER PATROL at the 1995 Kwangju Biennale (Korea) where the local people and media called it \\\\\\
Paul DeRienzo\'s Let Them Talk presents Paul Garrin on Project NAME.SPACE, the new generic TLDs they originated starting in 1996, and how the Internet Top-Level Domains are added to the ROOT.